Lavazza 'Carmencita' commercial sitcom series for Italian television
Episode 1 L'uomo Misterioso (The Mysterious Man)
director - Pete List
produced at Little Bull - Torino, Italy and Curious Pictures NYC
agency - Armando Testa
Three episodes of a series of twelve, two-and-a-half minute sitcom style animated commercials for Italian television based on an historical stop motion Lavazza campaign.
The series won two Golden ADCI Awards [Italian art Directors Club].
With this production, Armando Testa wanted to revisit an historic stop motion campaign created for Lavazza in the late 1960's, and bring it up to date with a female lead cast and life sized coffee-filter-shaped stop motion characters on a full scale set. With a small team from New York, I worked in Torino, Italy with Little Bull to shoot the production, and completed post production in New York. Using a combination of stop motion, puppeting, and post animation and effects, we created twelve, two-and-a-half minute animated commercials, which aired on Italian television as a weekly sitcom series.